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College Planning and Application Services

Selecting a college can be one of the most important decisions in your child’s life and one that is exciting as it is complex. Students and their families can find this decision overwhelming as they struggle to evaluate options, make wise choices, and successfully navigate through the application process.

MyCollegeWise has successfully placed students in colleges that they love. We center our strategy on what the student wants, his or her capabilities, and our knowledge of hundreds of schools.

Here is How We Can Help:

Creating the College List: We will take you through the process of identifying a list of “best fit” schools. We have visited well over two hundred colleges and are familiar with the unique qualities and cultures of each campus. Our services include:

    • Meeting to determine preferences on college location, size, type, majors, sports, and more
    • Analysis of student’s strengths, course work, grades, and test scores
    • Advice and timetable for college visits and applications

Navigating the Application: We will meet with your student to determine which applications and tests scores to submit and then help the student complete The Common Application, The Coalition Application, and individual college applications.

    • Create a list of deadlines for the student to follow
    • Assist with managing all of the details that go into a properly prepared application
    • Help determine what essays each school requires

Writing the Essays: We will meet face-to-face to brainstorm topics for the main essay. We will provide guidance and editing to make sure the essay is appropriate, compelling, and correct. After the initial in-person sessions, remote work may be possible. For remote work, we prorate our hourly fee in 15-minute increments.

    • For face-to-face sessions, the student should bring a laptop, a doc of the prompts, and draft essays.
    • During our session, we will work to fix any grammatical issues, but more importantly, we will collaborate to advance the syntax and the narrative. We will construct or redirect the story your student is telling to make it unique and to reflect the writer’s voice. Once a first draft is complete, we will tailor it to any school-specific

Please note that all essays provided for editing will require a five-day review period. We will help the student determine the deadlines, but the student is responsible for keeping track of them.

Resume Review: We will think through and discuss the student’s experiences to develop a resume that highlights academic and extracurricular successes.

Application Review: We are available to review the applications with the student before they hit submit.